Rachel Lyon Reading List

Rachel Lyon’s Reading List


Lygia Clark Fundacio Antoni Tapeis Image[4] resized
♦  Lygia Clark, Lygia Clark, Fundacio Antoni Tàpies, 1997


♦  I Love Dick, Chris Kraus, Semiotext(e), 2006


♦  Being Singular-Plural, Jean-Luc Nancy, Stanford University Press, 2000


♦  The Dialogues, Catherine of Siena, S.P.C.K., 1980


♦  Chega de Saudade, João Gilberto, Song. 1959.


♦ ♦ ♦



Rachel Lyon is an MLitt student at the University of Glasgow, where she is currently preparing a dissertation on the subject of Lygia Clark’s participatory art practice.


Text: Letter to Lygia Clark