Amble Skuse

Amble Skuse

Invited to collaborate by Rebecca Sharp


♦  The Air that Carries the Weight  ♦



Your breath


Your blood

Sound is endless, it is alive, it breathes when we breathe

A wave, invisible, journeys to your edges

Intrudes through membrane

Doesn’t wait to be invited

Doesn’t care if you want it

It is in your body



Your breath

My breath


We are all in each other, soundless waves lapping over each other’s boundaries



The clock, my pulse, meet



It is in you


♦ ♦ ♦



Amble Skuse‘s compositions centre on the tension between acoustic performance and interactive technologies; received traditions and contemporary technological immediacy; and isolation and communication, in terms both of the realisation of the composition and of the musicological framework. She is based in Fife, Scotland.

In response to: Rebecca Sharp The Air that Carries the Weight