Holly Knox Yeoman and Ben Burtenshaw’s Reading List
♦ ‘The Ruin to Come.’ The Labour of Ruin. Walid Sadek, Reading at ERG, Brussels. 18 October 2013.
♦ ‘Is It Love?’ E-Flux, Brian Kuan Wood, Feb. 2014.
♦ ‘Solar Catastrophe: Lyotard, Freud, and the Death-Drive’, Ray Brassier, Philosophy Today, 2003.
♦ #Accelerate#, Robin Mackay and Armen Avanessian, Urbanomic Media, 2014.
♦ After Art, David Joselit, Princeton University Press, 2013.
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Ben Burtenshaw has exhibited at SSW [Lumsden], Espai B [Barcelona], Platform 7 [London]. And has recently exhibited and published Elevating Water, with TAAK [Amsterdam] in Marfa, Texas. He is currently studying at the Dutch Art Institute [Arnhem].
Holly Knox Yeoman is a contemporary arts facilitator based in Edinburgh. Her practice is defined by its situating in the reimagining of function, medium and space through collaborative process.